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The Fool

The Fool Tarot Card

The Fool can be found in many cultural archetypes of world mythology. We see the Royal Jester, the Heyoka of Native American lore and the late night comedians who make us laugh at our silly paradigms.

Like the Trickster in dreams, there is always an element at play that pulls the carpet out from under us when we are taking life too seriously. Parcifal of the Holy Grail legend, was called ‘fal parsi,’ Arabic for ‘pure fool.’ He wore moss for armor and brandished sticks for swords and still succeeded in toppling many evil knights.

The archetype Aquarius also demonstrates similar iconoclastic tendencies as the Uranus ruled side-ways spinning non conformist. Fool energy is similar to the aspects of Uranus in Astrology charts where events happen suddenly and unpredictably in an effort to set us free. The lesson is always that rigid thinking will inhibit your growth.

In the I Ching we find the archetype of Hexagram #4 called Youthful Folly, which reminds us that we are always learning. It is time to kick up your heals and stop taking life so seriously. When the Fool appears an adventure is on the horizon.

Attached to the idea of the Fool and his foolish tendencies is the saying “those who don’t know what can’t be done can accomplish great things.” Perhaps that is why we accomplish heroic feats in our youth. Its message can be to get out of your own way and don’t over think it.

The Fool starts the journey and represents innocence and renewal. He can appear when you are in need of a vacation to recharge your battery and he can be a warning that events may lead you down a path you hadn’t expected. You may be feeling more childlike and enthusiastic.

The Fool is the Wild Card much like the Joker. You may want to leave routines behind as you follow your dream. At the same time, you are warned not to be a Fool and perhaps slow down and look realistically at the situation.

There is a need to take a leap of faith because sometimes we only discover what we want after we go off exploring a goose chase and run head long into what we don’t want. Chalking the adventure up to experience, how can we go wrong?

Keywords: New beginnings and taking chances. Innocence and the release of judgment. Being free to explore. Opening to spontaneity. 

Reversed: Afraid to venture in a new direction. Being foolish rather than practical. Missed opportunity. Failure to launch. Not going brings regrets.