I ching
Wei Chi (Before Completion)
I Ching Hexagram 64
Wei Chi (Before Completion)
Action: Prepare
Hu Gua (hidden influence) 63 After Completion: Renew
Zong Gua (underlying cause) 63 After Completion: Renew
You are always on the threshold of change; how you approach it will determine your success.
We sometimes get all of the information,
but we refuse to get the message. –Cullen Hightower
Reading at a Glance: The idea of ‘not embroiling’ is a cornerstone of Taoist philosophy. Anytime we find ourselves worked up and exasperated, we can be certain we are embroiling in something.
Someone is pushing our buttons because we have made those buttons important. Retreat is a message to disengage.
In dreams we see how all symbols and even the characters mirror aspects of ourselves that we are examining and either adopting or discarding. It does no good to fight or cast blame if you'd like to learn more about yourself.
Because the hidden influence is Coming to Meet, we can see that a situation calling for Retreat is a heavily charged one. We give ‘charge’ to a situation that pushes our buttons but Coming to Meet always brings us face to face with the transformative opportunity of the Shadow.
The fact that there is so much charge makes the object of your enquiry an important one. However, you cannot force your will on the situation because it is teaching you something. It is better to step back and reflect on what it is that you are learning.
‘Not embroiling’ means not to throw more fuel on the fire. Emotional reactions between people stoke a fire that can burn out of control.
The underlying cause of Advance shows the opposite of what you need to do in this situation. Now, it is time to Retreat or disengage.
In the story you are telling about conflict with another, try owning why you are giving it so much energy. When you notice a recurring pattern of negative or limiting thought, pause.
Ask yourself: Is this thought serving my highest potential? Bringing awareness to these moments can gradually dissolve unhelpful conditioning.
When you engage an obstacle you only give it more power. The same holds true for negative thinking because you give these ideas credibility due to the charge you carry with you.
You can actually stalk adversity by looking for it. Backing down does not mean you fail because it can lead to greater success.
If you can step back, perhaps you can discover a win/win solution. Retreat is not a sign of failure, but of a well thought out pathway to authenticity and success.

When the end
to the new
“Things cannot exhaust themselves. Hence, follows at the end, the principle of before completion.” In Chi Chi or After Completion, the highest order inevitably led to the onset of disorder, symbolized by the highest display of summer that transforms into swirling winds of autumn.
Wei Chi embodies the opposite condition where disorder will lead back to order. Like the chaotic storms of early spring, the landscape of spring is being composed.
Disorder can suggest how circumstance appears beyond your ability to control. Left to develop as it will, life always works out. While uncomfortable not knowing where the changes are leading, disorder is the letting go, like leaves during autumn, which always precedes the springtime of your blossoming.
Within disorder, is a dormant seed, which will inevitably lead back to order. Where complacency often leads to stagnation, the tension of change is already at play and it is better to follow where the changes might lead you. There is great power in knowing how situations evolve, moving back and forth.
The master said: "Nature does not give up the winter because people dislike the cold." In Wei Chi, you are standing at the threshold of change and have the opportunity to learn from the past. How you approach the changes will determine your success.
Chi Chi presented Water over Fire, and as its opposite, Wei Chi portrays Fire over Water. It would seem that since Fire burns upward and Water flows downward, there will be no connection between the two and the situation is hopeless. The fact that these two elements are moving in opposite directions is what makes the situation interesting and new.
Anytime opposites appear, there will be a transformation.
The image of Fire moving upward portrays how you can lose your sense of connectivity to your current situation, looking for answers in the skies, as if your fate is in the hands of something arbitrary. Since the Abysmal is releasing its profound wisdom below, observe how life is speaking to you daily, in a thousand different ways.
The master said: “How do we know that what we call heaven is not actually man, and that what we call man is not actually heaven?”
Fire below gets water moving energetically yet, even without heat, water will still form itself into perfect crystals. In life, at some degree, everything is in continual motion.
Wei Chi is the image of outward disorder that can lead to a sense of hopelessness, yet within it, you can already see how order is pre-arranging itself out of apparent chaos.
Regardless of the form that chaos takes, life has a special predisposition for generating disorder; it is a prerequisite in its pursuit of a better way. At the same time, it has a fondness for generating order from disorder. Perhaps that is why everything always seems to work itself out, whether you choose to worry about it or not.
“Although the lines are not in their proper places, the firm and yielding correspond.” Like electricity, the firm or positive energy and the yielding or negative energy interact in force and fields that binds atoms, generate molecules and animate life. At all levels, life is regenerating itself from the chaotic dance of what appears to be disorder.
Since nothing can reach completion, the trend moves toward the opposite condition: renewal. Life reveals its enormous power to sustain and strengthen its creatures to those who would follow its ways.
Although disorder ends the Book of Changes, we know that it is a necessary pathway to renewal.
As the transition arrives, we see the image of the tree before it begins to branch. In between the stagnation of winter and the great fullness of summer is spring: a rebirth. It comes from 'nowhere,' although we know it will come again, because it has come before.
The situation is strange and new, the past is a world away, and you are ripe for a transformation. Once things reach the end, you can approach the opportunity to blossom anew.
No expectations, go with the flow = nothing is ever complete. When we think about the chaos presented in Wei Chi we recognize that disorder is the only way that the future can be built from growth and innovation. When you receive this hexagram unchanging you are too focused on the present and perhaps are not giving the situation enough time or freedom to develop into its highest potential. You are being asked to flow the way nature wants you to flow – without expectations and without the need to classify or think of completion. They say that the journey is far more important than the destination and this is the case in your present situation. If you can recognize that Before Completion is a message to go with the flow the way will be much easier.
Line 1:
Getting the tail in the water = humiliating. Changes to (38) Opposition. Although you may feel compelled to do something to set events in order, this is not the proper time to rush ahead. You are anxious for a tangible result but something about this situation is still in an evolutionary stage. Opposition can show events that stop you in your tracks and the purpose is to slow you down. Moving forward too hastily can only lead to humiliation.
Line 2:
Braking the wheels = perseverance brings good fortune. Changes to (35) Progress. Because you realize that the situation requires a bit more time to gel it is good that you have put the brakes on moving anxiously forward. Progress can be achieved whether or not you are applying pressure or action. Periods of pausing to allow events to unfold naturally will lead to good fortune. It is important to be persevering in moving in step with how the situation is unfolding. Don’t rush.
Line 3:
Before completion, attack brings misfortune = it furthers one to cross the great water. Changes to (50) Cauldron. Crossing the great water is a message to do things differently or take the road less traveled. You may be nearing your goal and believe that an all out attack will bring completion more quickly but it won’t. The Cauldron is associated with allowing something to simmer or cook until it is ready. It may not be in your nature to pause when reaching the finish line but this will allow you to complete all tasks efficiently so nothing is left undone.
Line 4:
Perseverance brings good fortune, remorse disappears. Shock was used to conquer the Devil’s Country and in the 3rd year success. Changes to (4) Youthful Folly. A willingness to go the distance is important because success will not come quickly. Youthfully Folly is a message that we make no mistakes through trial and error. The reference to the Devil’s Country suggests how the closer we get to success, the more we want to give up. Our Shadow or fears manifest more readily when we are pushing beyond our comfort zone. The trials can be exhausting but again, without trial and error one cannot succeed. Forget each misstep and just concentrate on the goal. If you persevere in this mindset you will succeed.
Line 5:
Perseverance brings good fortune, no remorse = the fire of the enlightened mind is true, good fortune. Changes to (6) Conflict. Those who take the easy path never achieve the greatness of those unafraid to be tried by fire. This line shows the apex of success that is promised for those who know that conflict merely makes us stronger. Some people meet obstacles and give up but others see them as stepping stones to success. In this situation you have learned the valuable lesson of perseverance. No remorse means that by taking everything in stride, life is a grand adventure.
Line 6:
Drinking wine in genuine confidence, no blame = but if the head gets wet, truth is lost. Changes to (40) Liberation. While drinking can be a normal celebratory activity after authentic success, some use substances to achieve a false sense of confidence. In moving toward the object of your enquiry you may be too emotional or observing from a haze of illusion. The head gets wet when we are not clear headed and using all of our faculties. The reference to Liberation can be a message to move away from self defeating or self abusive tendencies. In order to reach completion in achieving your desire, you may need to look squarely at the truth of the situation. As long as you don’t get carried away and know your limits, success is assured.
*This page provides insight on the following combinations: Hexagram 64 unchanging Hexagram 64.1 Hexagram 64.1.2 Hexagram Hexagram Hexagram Hexagram Hexagram 64.2 Hexagram 64.2.3 Hexagram Hexagram Hexagram Hexagram 64.3 Hexagram 64.3.4 Hexagram Hexagram Hexagram 64.4 Hexagram 64.4.5 Hexagram Hexagram 64.5 Hexagram 64.5.6 Hexagram 64.6