Whether apps, online coaching and courses, books, or music, explore our many products below. Would you like to learn more about how your dreams guide you toward success? Explore nature's wisdom, Taoism and the more ancient roots of Astrology and Tarot. Our award winning music is inspired by shaman drumming and blended into modern arrangements, perfect for yoga, chakra awakening and exercise. Our books, courses and online coaching offer a wealth of insight to help you tap your fullest potential.

Explore the hidden guidance of your dreams. Discover a more organic and natural path to spirituality, success and wellness. Kari's books include Taoism, I Ching, Tao te Ching, Archetypes of Tarot, Babylonian Astrology, Dream Interpretation and more.

Dreamwork and Coaching
Discover your life purpose. Explore our dream interpretation and coaching services, tailored to your unique needs. We also offer training on the I Ching, Tao, Astrology and Tarot. Learn to tap the guidance within you.

Get Tribal was nominated for Best New Artist in 2014 and God of Drum was nominated for Best World Album. Radio God was nominated for Best Chill Groove Album 2015. Check out our music and discover what everyone is talking about it.

Get a live, comprehensive one-hour life path reading with a professional astrologer. Or you can choose from our many astrology reports. Discover what your birth chart reveals about you.

Nature is A Guru Online Courses
Nature supports success at all levels, and in everything it creates. Life’s abundance is real. Change your paradigm, and learn how to connect with its flow. This course includes questions, exercises and lifepath worksheet. Learn about dreams and activate your fullest potential!