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Nine of Cups

Nine of Cups Tarot Card

There is much satisfaction revealed in the Nine of Cups which is why it is called the wish card. Whatever you are hoping to come to pass will likely happen.

Relationships, finances, work and every aspect of life seems to turn out in your favor. The Nine of Cups is probably one of the best cards to turn up in a reading. The man in the picture seems satisfied and happy suggesting that an outlook of abundance creates a world of abundance.

If you have been feeling down, you might lighten up your attitude and learn to laugh more. You may receive praise for your accomplishments. The Nine of Cups will confirm that everything is unfolding to your satisfaction or will be soon.

Of course, we are reminded to be careful what we are wishing for because it may come true. With so many other cards focusing on what can go wrong it is refreshing to receive a card that confirms that things will turn out the way you desire.

One of the fastest ways to experience the energy of the Nine of Cups is to do something to pamper yourself. We spend so much money on our homes, cars and other possessions but rarely just do something for ourselves. Invest in yourself for a change. Cultivate the belief that all is unfolding exactly as it should and your belief will become reality.

Keywords: Satisfaction and feeling pleased with yourself. Abundance and security. Laughter, sex and emotional sharing. Self esteem and a sense of accomplishment. A feeling that everything is all right in the world. Pampering yourself. 

Reversed: Smugness and self righteous behavior. Lack of happiness or self esteem. Inferiority complex. Over indulgence and selfish, undisciplined behavior.