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Strength Tarot Card

The woman stroking the Lion in the Strength card reveals a message about controlling passions and base instincts in a way that you can become stronger. Obviously there can be a connection to the Astrology sign Leo who’s purpose on the earth is to become fearless in self expression. Regardless of what you are facing, the Strength card encourages you to recognize your inner strength.

If you are overwhelmed by emotion, it can suggest taking a breath and realizing that everything will work out fine. This card often appears after a period of difficultly to highlight the strength of character you can now access in moving forward. There is a saying in Taoism “those who overcome others have power but those who overcome themselves have Strength.” The power of silence is potent when one has been groomed with the resolve that manifests when Strength appears.

Real power need not be proven. It is like a light within that illuminates the eyes. When facing a challenge with another, Strength can encourage you to honor the viewpoint of another without feeling threatened.

Strength teaches us to become better listeners and most importantly to move away from any defensive posture. Strength is not about forcing your will but allowing your will to be married to unfolding events. Its message can also be found in the I Ching hexagram Retreat where we do not engage the obstacle but merely back down to allow the crisis to dissolve or reveal its purpose in our life.

In Taoism, one is taught to move away from ‘embroiling.’ As 'wu wei' we hover at the threshold of perception to observe, without clinging or pushing. We find the Strength within to not be thrown from your center when confronting pain in another. Their behavior is a reflection of their inner world - not a reflection of who you are.

It does no good to throw more fuel onto the fire. In a relationship reading, it can show how dynamics are shifting so that empowerment is returned to the individual rather than being brow beaten and dominated.

The Strength card offers a positive message about forgiveness which is not something we ‘give’ to another but to ourselves. By letting go, we are free to be filled with life’s ever flowing abundance.

Keywords: The ability to rise above difficulty. Controlling emotion with patience and compassion. Forgiveness. Finding a middle path between conflicting choices. Being in the moment without judgment. 

Reversed: Doubting your ability to continue. Not feeling up to the challenge. Passion over riding reason. Self gratification due to lack of self fulfillment. Addictions.