Ten of Pentacles

The Tens in Tarot readings relate to abundance.. This can be overwhelming for the Wands, self sabotaging for the Swords, and filled with hope, love and creativity for the Cups. In the Ten of Pentacles, we see how the basic simplicity of life can lead to a sense of fulfillment, when we look around and acknowledge that all of our needs are met.
Perhaps you have balanced work with an abundant family life or are developing a family run business where everyone is involved. Partnerships are a strong foundation for your success when the Ten of Pentacles appears.
Where the Ten of Cups shows how dreams come true, the Ten of Pentacles arrives at success through hard work and a high focus on family life. It can appear when a woman's fortune will improve through a marriage to a wealthy man.
Legacy and wills can figure prominently when the Ten of Pentacles appears. The message is that all of your hard work and balance are bringing you a life well lived.
Even if you don’t have all the possessions and riches of others, you have all that you need. The homelife is supportive of allowing you to follow your dreams. Your work life allows you to have necessary time at home. This is a card of balancing all areas of your life for yourself and those you love.
Keywords: Family and work flowing smoothly. Ease of financial concerns. An opportunity to grow your wealth. Legacy and grandchildren. Enjoying the good life. Strong partnerships and family life.
Reversed: Short lived success. Lack of foundation. Trading material comfort for an individually created lifestyle. Conflicts related to inheritance. Financial reversals.