Two of Wands

Twos can represent choices or the need for balance. The Two of Wands combines initiative and negotiation with a new idea or the expression of passion. The man in the picture has one Wand firmly planted in the soil while he holds another in his left hand.
In dreams, the right side shows the old way while anything appearing on the left shows the new way. The man holds the known world (past) in his right hand as he looks out at the sea for new opportunity. He appears to be quite comfortable and established, yet is seeking expansion of some type that will allow for greater opportunity.
You may be offered a promotion to lead others because of your demonstrated success. There may be a choice or decision involved in terms of expanding your business or exploring a partnership. The message of the Two of Wands calls for taking a gamble and possibly making a choice about a partnership or job.
You might have made a proposal to someone and are waiting for their response. The Two of Wands can represent choosing between or balancing feelings about two different situations. There can be fiery energy between two individuals working together where the Two of Wands creates enormous synergy.
Keywords: Leadership and planning. Taking a gamble or exploring new opportunities. Confidence and independence when venturing into a new path. Making an offer to someone. Partnership in sales or creative ventures. Choosing between two lovers or making some type of choice.
Reversed: Staying in an unfulfilling situation. Afraid to make a change. Breakdown or difficulty forming a partnership. Selfish thinking affecting relationships. Upset in travel plans or not receiving a response. Stressful communication based on resentment. Missing an opportunity because focus is elsewhere.