God of Drum
by Get Tribal
Nominated for Best World Album and Best New Artist 2014 ZMR
Price : MP3 $9.95 Album $.99 Tracks
Chakra Meditation Music

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Awaken chakra flow with this world fusion album grounded in shamanistic drums. Inspired by the thunder gods of the ancient world, these upbeat tracks are perfect for 5 rhythms, chakra work or yoga meditation to achieve higher levels of awareness.

Click above image to stream Track 4: Donnar - Awaken Power, Norse
God of Drum is a collection of percussion based tribal music inspired by the thunder deities of world mythology. Ancient cultures revered thunder as the divine element that activated spring’s rebirth. Using drums, they synchronized the heart, mind and soul with the vital life force. Its circular shape offers a mandala connecting the world of spirit to the vibration of intention. Through the pounding of the drum, the heart awakens to its vitality allowing us to achieve higher states of awareness. The ten tracks in this album are designed to stimulate the 7 major Chakras, the Dantien, the Soul Star and Spirit Chakras.
Track One: WAKINYAN, AMERICAN INDIAN – Call of Abundance
Root Chakra –To Secure and Ground
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine where the kundalini ‘snake’ is coiled. It governs our sense of survival, self preservation and security. Wakinyan, the Thunder Bird of the Lakota is one of the many Feathered Serpents found in indigenous cultures. Wakinyan is composed to awaken fiery kundalini energy with drumming and chants that will ground and stimulate the opening of the root chakra.
Track Two: LOUCETIOUS, GAELIC – Passion Rising
Sacral Chakra – To Transform Anger and Awaken Passion
The sacral chakra is located in the lower part of the abdomen in between the navel and genitals. Viewed as the vortex of change or where we hold emotion, stimulating this chakra separates emotion from its lower expression of fear-based anger. Once released, the energy can transcend as the sensation of pleasure. Inspired by Loucetious, the thunder deity of the Gaelic region this composition startles us into recognizing our buried passions.
Track Three: LEI SHAN, CHINA – Sea of Qi
Dantien – To Release Blockages
The dantien is the area located just beneath the navel, holding the center of gravity in the body. It is the reservoir of qi or our vital life force. Stimulating the power of this center releases dormant energy associated with inflammation and blockages. It is an important focal point or elixir field for qigong, martial arts and Chinese medicine because when we are centered in this power, we have more energy and are not reactive.
Track Four: DONNAR, NORSE – Awakening Power
Solar Plexus Chakra – To Activate Power
The solar plexus chakra is located just above the navel in an area that the ancient Chinese call the heart/mind. Here intention and passion are intertwined with the will, as the pure expression of a power that cannot be threatened. The Nordic thunder deity Donnar inspires this composition to stimulate the will. It balances how we often compensate for our misgivings by exercising too much or too little power.
Track Five: TARANIS, CELTIC – A Call to Heal
Heart Chakra – To Center in Wellness
The heart chakra is located in the chest and is related to the endocrine system which activates cellular communication and growth. Stress is the mental trigger that can lead to physical debilitation. We often find that it takes time for the whole story to arrive and the Heart Chakra is strengthened through compassion and patience. Taranis is a harmonic Celtic composition where the heart is supported with rounds of harmonic flute and strings.
Track Six: Xango, AFRO-CARRIBBEAN – The Flow of Expression
Throat Chakra – To Ask and Receive
The throat chakra is the center where sound and vibration become the communication of intention. In the same way, mantras allow us to use intention to orchestrate our expression and ultimate manifestation. Xango, the thunder deity of the Afro Caribbean region inspires this composition where chanting ‘nam-myoho-renge-kyo’ is a way of polishing the mirror of the mind. When we can see the world as it is – not as we would like it to be – we discover the joy of unimpeded expression.
Track Seven: ADAD, BABYLON – Open to Wonder
Brow Chakra – To Achieve Intuitive Clarity
The brow chakra, often called the third eye is located between the eyebrows. It is associated with the pineal gland which is believed to be the seat of our intuitive awareness. Acting as the gate that separates consciousness from the same unconscious and intuitive awareness that guides our dreams, when we release judgment and open to wonder, intuition becomes active. Adad the storm deity of Mesopotamia inspires this composition with subtle changes in rhythm designed to unseat expectation so we can open once again to wonder.
Track Eight: TESHUB, ANATOLIA – Transcending Boundaries
Crown Chakra – To Achieve Enlightenment
The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and like the western idea of a halo, it is associated with a white circle of light. When kundalini energy enters the crown chakra as Shakti, it ‘marries’ with Shiva. The mind is able to achieve the clarity of merging with what is observed to see the mysterious flow of synchronicity. Teshub the Anatolian thunder deity inspires a blending where east meets west and our sense of boundaries are released.
Track Nine: CHAAC, MAYA – Aligning With Purpose
Soul Star Chakra – To Align with the Soul’s Path
The soul star chakra is located above the head and is one of the transpersonal chakras. It regulates our connection to a sense of purpose and helps us to assimilate the wisdom of what might be called the Higher Self or purveyor of dreams. Stimulating this chakra clears us of the trauma we bring into life by allowing us to see the past and present reborn from the soul’s perspective. The patterns of drumming in Chaac, the thunder deity of the Mayas inspires our awareness of how our patterns of thought become manifestation.
Track Ten: INDRA, INDIA – Endless Reflection
Spirit Chakra – To Transcend
The spirit chakra resides in the heart of the universe, outside of time and space. Inspired by Indra the thunder deity of India, this composition captures Indra’s elaborate net of jewels, where each offers a perfect reflection of all others. In each reflection more reflections shine in an endless holographic image of infinity. 'Om' is the sound of the universe and 'shanti' means peace. This mantra is sung not only to bring peace and well being to ourselves, but also to all who we share a special connection.